A-mazing way of letting out steam

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Review of Two Lives -Vikram Seth

Have meet and known a number of people who enjoy reading. Some go to the extent of saying that they can read anything.But as a business person I have wondered what is their take away from that. Many people claim a widening of their Horizons,others feel that it improves their english and some others feel it is a good way of destressing( My Fav word).
Well I read ,(Whatever little I do) very carefully. Try and learn from the story and its characters. So my love for fiction cannot be denied.
But then Two lives is not a fiction. Its a story of two real people(Who are dead now). I guess the beauty of the story is that so many diverse settings and the reader does not get confused. And the learning,well thats upto yu, alot is there to ponder upon.
Had Read 'A Suitable Boy' but had already recieved such rave reviews that I was too prejudiced. But this one has no prejudice...
A must read.. Talks a lot abt relationships and human spirit...
Do it guys
Ever wondered how you can be destressed? Well I have and guess what I have thinking about destressing can also cause stress. So the QUESTION is does Stress cause Stress or Destress causes stress?
Doctors and great people say that we should do yoga and excercise in order to destress. But for a person who has a long day and has only mornings for this how will s/he manage. getting up in morning is a tension in it self so what to do? Gosh I am feeling drained